Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Cross Stitch Crazy 2012 Challenge....

Alright...I have so many patterns I want to do, with so little time to do them, so have to choose some smaller designs with all the HAED's I have going on (and am working on kitting up) what do you guys thing of these?!?

Fire Moon - Nene Thomas (6 pages is a good goal?!?)

A Beautiful Wolf - White Willow Stitching

Masqurade Pale Dawn - HAED - Sessler  (5 pages as a goal?!?)

Cottage Fairy - Mirabilia - WIP

Sea Godess- Joan Elliott

SK Magikal Arrival - HAED

Tempest - Teresa Wentzler

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Wow, haven't been on in a while, so much is going on...working on a Christmas present for my mom (a snowman banner from Stoney Creek, forgot the name :P) also purchased and started Masquerade Pale Dawn, by Sessler HAED. Haven't had much time to work on Fire Moon, but will get back to her as soon as the holidays are over.

A month ago, I lost one of my cats, woke up one morning to find him ill with an urinary blockage, got the the vet that same afternoon, but was already too late :(, but the others are all healthy and doing fine....my oldest cat had an abscess that really infected bad, but the antibiotics are working wonders and he's acting like a kitten again :)

My DS's vocabulary is growing by the day and his taking from my dad's side of the family...can't get him to stop talking now hihihi, and he's soooo excited about Christmas he just can't wait :)

Masquerade Pale Dawn - HAED 
Snowfriend Banner - Stoney Creek - working on page 4/6

Felix...miss his so much <3
Been also reading a couple books lately, have found some books from Christopher Pike, and although I had a bit of a hard time with his writing style at first, once I got used to it, I devoured the 4 Thirst books, and am now stuck in Until the End.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Fire Moon page 2 complete

Finally page 2 is completed on Fire Moon...thought I would never finish filling in the 3371, next page I'm trying to stitch 10x10 squares to see if I would like it better as I won't be stuck with 1 colour for hours on end :P

Thursday, September 29, 2011

SK Littlest Fairy Page 2 Done

Only half page left, then I will have officially finished my first HAED!!!! :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Update on Fire Moon...page 2 is coming along great

SK Magical Arrival - got the pattern, now it's to add it to my rotation once SK Littlest Fairy is done

Phina Angel Series - also got the pattern and will add one at a time to my rotation

small pattern i just got...just love snow leopards and this is just too adorable not to stitch :)

another pattern that I just purchased, will be in my 15 for next year

Cascade by Jonathon E Bowser - my boyfriend's favourite artist and will be adding it to my rotation once I get the fabric and floss...will keep this one and Fire Moon in the rotation at all times, then work on 1 smaller one as a 3rd piece 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

HAED Update

SK Littlest Fairy - Page 1 complete :)

Fire Moon - Page 1 almost done (waiting to be able to purchase the rest of the floss) and page 2 started :)

Monday, September 05, 2011

Another Update :)

This I just had to share :) Thor, he's 5 months now, used to sleep in the water bowl to let me know it was empty...he just doesn't quite fit anymore...LOL
This is an update on SK Littlest Fairy, I'm almost done page 1 yay!!!

Loki and Pearl...2 other of my cats...
Fire Moon update...almost done page 1 as well...and am royally annoyed with all the black involved....

Fire Moon

SK Littlest Fairy

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Updates on HAED's

 This is Fire Moon with a little more than half first page done :) It took me a week to do this part, but well worth it...
This is SK Littlest Fairy, used of working in rows, but decided to give columns a chance...didn't like it as much, probably from being used to work in rows...as with Fire Moon been working on it a week, just didn't have as much time this week...well back to work I guess :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Camera is still in need of batteries...

Geez...can't wait to get some new batteries for my camera, but they are so darn expensive these days...

As for my HAED's, I'm now half way done page 1 on Fire Moon, and about a quarter of the way down my StoryKeep :) yay!!! haven't really touched the rest, but I joined a group on facebook that is putting up a challenge of starting 15 projects during the first 15 days of January, then you have the rest of the year to finish them...now which patterns to choose...will definitely post them as soon as I decide :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Camera is in need of batteries...

I put my batteries to charge last night and woke up this morning to find out they all melted in my charger...so now have to buy a new charger and a new set of batteries... :(

Instead I will get some cleaning done around the house then sit down and continue working on my storykeep :)

More to come...

I will be posting more in the next few days as I have misplaced a couple of pictures :S

Also I am currently working on several projects which include:
1. Fire Moon (haed)
2. Storykeep Littlest Fairy - Fenech (haed)
3. Zebra Eye...which is a free chart that I found on the internet
4. putting the finishing touches on an exchange...of course pics will only be shown after she receives it :)

Also there is an air dragon that I started a couple years ago, found it the other day and decided to put it in my bin with some other odds and ends to resort the colours for it and try to finish it, but one of my cats took the opportunity when I forgot the lid open to use the container as a litter box....am still trying to figure out how to get the smell out without ruining the black fabric....oh well might have to restart :(


Animal Birth Sampler

This is a birth sampler I did for my son while I was pregnant, added the lettering after he was born...was an excellent pass time when I couldn't move in the end :P

Dragon Dreams

This is the 5 elemental dragons from Dragon Dreams, stitched them all on a single piece of linen.

Egyptian Sampler

This is an Egyptian Sampler I did for my mom while I was in college, was a good way to relax in between homework and studying. :)